The top four sports brands around the globe currently are Nike, Adidas, Puma, and Underarmour. Nike has, on average, spent $100 on marketing each second of 2014 which was equivalent to the revenue for Underarmour in 2013. This establishes a precedent that Nike is an organization that sells its products to consumers and focuses on Nike clothing, gaining the most sales.
The Anatomy Of Nike.
Nike has an innate desire to be the best. In the 1960s, Nike founder Phil Knight saw the possibility of outsourcing Japanese footwear to an American market. Phil himself, who was an athlete, was able to send these shoes to former trainer Bill Bowerman. Bowerman liked the shoes so much that He not only bought more, but he was also a part of Nike (then named Blue Ribbon Sports) as a co-founder. The company then employed runners to market the shoes they made for runners to. Through this method, they soon began hiring athletes who only wore Nike shoes.
All of this culminated in an event in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in which Michael Johnson, a Nike sponsored athlete, set the record by winning gold medals in the 400m and 200m events. He was wearing the famed golden shoes. The golden boots were featured on the front cover of time alongside Michael Johnson himself.
In this way, Nike created shockwaves for every fan of sports and the IOC. The problem with this advertising of Nike was a concern since the public believed it was true that Nike had been the sole sponsor at in 1996’s Atlanta Olympics. However, the sponsors were Reebok, and they had spent thousands of dollars.
Pushing The Limits.
It was a time similar to this one that came up when Nike marketing executives took the initiative and established marketing standards that received applause from Steve Jobs. It was the 2012 London Olympics commercial called “Find your greatness was a great example of the enthusiasm of everyday people, but what stood out was the reality that the commercial was filmed in places that were named after London but aren’t in which the 2012 Olympics was being held. The result was that people were able to associate Nike with the Olympics.
They were not official Olympic sponsors. This was an example of Ambush Marketing as defined by the IOC as “A planned attempt by a third party to associate itself with the Olympic games to gain the recognition or benefits of being an Olympic partner”. The only issue was that they had not violated any of the rules. In a marketing situation like this, it was the only area they could focus on the product. the product.
The Meat Of The Brand.
The last thing that has made Nike Clothing the go to option for consumers is the actual product. Beginning in the 70s, Bill Bowerman, the co-founder of Nike, was able to use her waffle maker to create the waffle like outsole. This was a blessing disguise to runners that raced on the synthetic track.
The movement to run that began in the 70s and 80s in the US was led by Nike, using waffle makers to create shoes and the writing books on Jogging. Nike was aware of what people needed. The majority of companies market their running shoes to help people perform better. But, Nike made a narrative to help people get into shape. This, along with athletes wearing Nike boots and shoes, led to it being a simple decision to purchase Nike merchandise for the everyday person.
Another great example that demonstrates Nike’s success in aligning the interests of customers and business is the restructuring in 2017 of the business, in which the main focus was selling, placing the focus on the customer. Nike’s website provided a better chance to Nike to shift to include a fashion element in their portfolio of products.
Furthermore, through the site, Nike no longer has to offer wholesale cost. Instead, they sell directly at retail price. This will not only provide higher margins, but also greater capabilities for discounts on celebrities like Cristiano Ronaldo Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods.
One thing to note is that Nike has pushed its women’s division. At first, this could appear to be a social cash out. But, because of women’s empowerment throughout the world the demand for female custom sports apparel in australia has increased that would result in increased sales.
In essence, Nike produced amazing products that helped to create the following of athletes. Nike continued to revolutionize the sport industry by providing athletes with sponsorship. When they had the athletes in place, they jumped into marketing. They created advertisements that were rewarded with Emmy awards for two different ads.
Nike finally made a change and aimed at the apparel market due to their emotion based marketing strategy and their innovative products, which led them to be market leaders over giants like Puma and Adidas. To find the most affordable deals on the production of apparel for any company.